This site is Hazy Grey and Under Way.

We lost another shipmate in 2022 who recently attended the 2022 reunion in Lancaster. ​Sam Owens served on AS33 during it's early years in Holy Loch as a SFP3. His son shared that he considered the reunion one of his last great memories. We think those who spent time with him considered that time a great memory for us. 


We also learned of the passing of Charlie Whitler not long after the 2023 reunion. Charlie was a DP in the early 70's on our ship. He had recently begun attending the reunions and is seen here (center) with 2 of his XD Division shipmates from the early 1970's at the 2023 Reunion. He will be missed by all of us who knew him from the ship or got to know him at the reunions. 

We also lost Reginald (Butch) Colby was a BT1 on AS33 1973 - 1975 in 2021. Butch was quick to make friends with all who attended the reunions and had some great stories of his Navy years. His wife, Jill, still attends reunions.

​2022 marked the passing of ENC Everett Wallace Sr., who with his daughter, Penny, attended many reunions and shared some great stories. Chief Wallace was a plank owner serving on AS33 until 1968. 

The Association wants to remember one of the most loyal members and his wife.

Help us build this page by providing pictures and information about any shipmates who attended any reunion but have now passed away. 

It was with great sorry we marked the passing of Rear Admiral George Ellis, USN (ret) in 2020. After graduating from the Naval Academy, he became a junior officer on a submarine in the Pacific during WWII. He went on to command several submarines as well as the USS Simon Lake in Holy Loch during the late 1960's. As a flag officer he had several high profile responsibilities. Admiral Ellis lost his 1st wife many years ago and then lost his 2nd wife earlier in 2020. George and Carol were a great, as well as favorite part, of many reunions right up to and including 2019 in Georgia. He often expressed his love for the USS Simon Lake and her crew. Admiral Ellis, you will be missed and will always be remembered at our reunions.

Clyde "Sonny" Ball lost his fight with the effects of COVID-19 on September 7, 2021. Sonny was an HT2 on AS33 1967 to 1969 as well as another favorite at the reunions. He was always making us laugh. Sonny, you will be missed. 

Sadly we lost Tom Thompson in 2023, who served on our ship in the early years. Tom not only attended many reunions over the years but help start the first one. He brought his daughter, Sandy Kal, with him the last couple of times he was able to attend. Tom started his Navy carrier as a Seaman but retired as a Lt. Commander. He always enjoyed being with his shipmates, even if they served at different times. We will miss his company and stories. Tom was the first to start this website!

I am sad to report that we lost another shipmate July 10, 2024. 
Danny was a MR2 in R1 from 1967 to 1970 on AS33. Danny Pyles and his wife Carol were very active at all of our reunions.
He will be missed by those who served with him and all of us who enjoyed his company at the reunions.
PO2 Pyles you are relieved, we have the watch. Fair winds and a following sea shipmate.  Type your paragraph here.